Thursday, May 17, 2018

Dekay's Brown Snake

Until today, I had never crossed paths with a Dekay's Brown Snake (Storeria dekayi).  I had been looking for several years, but with no luck.  I can now cross it off "my list".

When I encounter a new species, I feel a certain obligation to create and / or add to a list of the species I have seen.  But I am not a list maker.

Keeping lists of the things I observe stresses me out.  Do I start my list moving forward?  Do I try to remember all the species I have seen?  Do I include only species I have seen in Vermont?  Do I include species I have seen in exotic places like Iceland, St. John's or Eastern Long Island?

I, inevitably, start to feel like a need a list of lists -- ferns, fungi, lichen, plants, insects, birds, reptiles, amphibians, mammals...  I will never see them all -- so what is the point?

For me, focusing on the lists detracts from experiencing the interaction.

So, I have decided to just keep a mental "rolodex" of species I have seen.  A constant process of meeting new friends and re-crossing paths with old friends.