
Great Reads
"Swampwalker's Journal -- A Wetlands Year", DM Carroll, 1999 (2001 John Burroughs Medal)

"Naturally Curious", M Holland, 2010
"In Season - A Natural History of the New England Year", N Bell Estrin & CW Johnson, 2002
"Reading the Forested Landscape - A Natural History of New England", T Wessels, 1997

Natural Communities
"Wetland, Woodland, Wildland - A Guide to the Natural Communities of Vermont", EH Thompson and ER Sorenson, 2005

"Field Guide to New England", P Alden & B Cassie, 1998
"A Field Guide to Eastern Forests - North America", JC Kricher, 1988


"Lichens of the North Woods", J Walewski, 2007

Mosses and Their Allies
"Common Mosses of the Northeast and Appalachians", KB McKnight, JR Rohrer, K McKnight Ward & WJ Perdrizet, 2013

Ferns and Their Allies
"A Field Guide to the Ferns and Their Related Families of Northeastern and Central North America", B Cobb, 1963

Grasses, Sedges and Rushes
"Grasses - An Identification Guide", L Brown, 1979
"Field Guide to the Grasses, Sedges and Rushes of the United States", E Knobel, 1980

"A Field Guide to Eastern Trees - Eastern United States and Canda", GA Petrides, 1988
"Forest Trees of Vermont", T Evans, 2015"
"Bark - A Field Guide to Trees of the Northeast", M Wojtech, 2011
"Know Your Trees", JA Cope & FE Winch, Jr., 2014
"A Field Guide to Tree and Shrubs - Northeastern and North-central United States and Southeasternand South-central Canada", G A Petrides, 1972

"Wildflowers of New England", T Elliman & the NEWFS, 2016
"Newcomb's Wildflower Guide", L Newcomb, 1977
"Field Guide to North American Wildflowers", WA Niering & NC Olmstead, 1988

"Field Guide to North American Insects and Spiders", L Milne & M Milne, 1998
"Field Guide to North American Butterflies", LM Pyle, 2000

Reptiles and Amphibians
"Amphibians - First Field Guide", B Cassie, 1999


"A Field Guide to the Birds -- A Completely New Guide to All the Birds of Eastern and Central North America", RT Peterson, 1980
"Bird Watching in Vermont", T Murin & B Pfeiffer, 2002

"A Field Guide to the Mammals of North America", FA Reid, 2006
"Mammals -- First Field Guide", J Grassey & C Keene, 1998

Rocks and Minerals
"A Field Guide to Rocks and Minerals", FH Pough, 1988

Edible Plants
"A Field Guide to Edible Wild Plants - Eastern and Central North America", LE Peterson, 1977

Ethnobiology and Medicinal Plants / Animals
"Field Guide to Medicinal Plants and Herbs of Eastern and Central North America, 3rd edition", S Foster & JA Duke, 2014
"Tales of a Shaman's Apprentice", MJ Plotkin, 1994
"Medicine Quest", MJ Plotkin, 2000

Animal Tracks
"A Field Guide to Animal Tracks", OJ Murie, 1974
