Wednesday, June 7, 2017

American Toad

I am sitting on the back porch eating lunch when I see something moving in the grass just in front of me.  Actually, I don't see the "something", but I do see the grass moving as if a "something" is making its way through it -- snake, mouse, vole?  Closer inspection reveals that it is an American Toad (Anaxyrus americanus).  It slowly yet purposely climbs onto to the patio stone.

I saw the toad yesterday while it was raining.  An earthworm slithered by right under the toad's nose.  Just as the earthworm had almost completely disappeared into a crack in the stone, the toad grabbed it by the tail and ate it.

Today, I gently reach down and pick up the toad.  It sits in my cupped hand.  Slowly breathing, its sides go in and out.  It blinks a few times.  Then in one swift leap, it is off into the ferns.