Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Red-whiskered Clammyweed

I often wonder who gets to name wildflowers...

Slogging through ankle deep mud and waist high swamp grass, I come upon this odd looking plant.  Brown cupped flowers with white petals that look like sails lost in the wind.  Long green pods standing upright around the edge.

I can't find it in my field guide - can't quite figure out how to describe its parts.  Further searching in books at home leaves no better answers.  Finally a naturalist friend points me in the right direction.

Red-whiskered Clammyweed (Polanisia dodecandra)!  A name as odd as the plant itself.  And, I wonder how "whoever" came up with that name.  I suggest "Weird-white-flowered-large-podded Weed"?

I'll be back in the field looking for red whiskers and checking for something clammy...

[Thanks to Tom Norton for helping me with the identification]