Wednesday, August 22, 2018

American Pelecinid Wasp

Several weeks back, we were going for our evening swim in the lake.  The water was like glass.  As I waded out from shore, I saw a bug fluttering on he surface of the water.

Thinking it was most likely a mayfly in distress, I was shocked when I realized that I had come upon an American Pelecinid Wasp (Pelecinus polyturator).

As it sat on the tip of my fingertip drying off, I carefully walked toward the shore.  Having left my cameras at home, all I could do was appreciate its beauty.  I left it on a stick on the beach -  frustrated that I might never see one again.

However, several days later and armed with my camera, I was walking along a trail when I spied another Pelecinid Wasp resting a leaf of a Honeysuckle Bush.  I carefully approached.  Camera set.  Bug set.  Then snap, a branch under my foot gave way -- the wasp was gone.

Yesterday.  Walking in the woods.  Another wasp graced me with its presence and its patience.  This time, better luck.

I wondered if this was a bit of bug karma -- one wasp paying me back for saving one of its own...