Sunday, May 6, 2018

Icelandic (Atlantic) Puffin

My guess is that you will never see an Atlantic Puffin (Fratercula arctica) in Vermont...

I had the pleasure of spending the past two weeks traveling around the back roads of Iceland.  And, travel in Iceland brings whole new meanings to the words "around" and "back roads".

Bits of spring intermixed with winter snowstorms...  Full sun one second, blizzard conditions the next.  Then back to full sun like nothing happened.

Days, that at this time of the year, start at at 5 AM and end at 10 PM (although it never really does get dark).

Fjords, glaciers, lava fields, geysers, mud pots, black pebble beaches, snow capped mountains, water falls and hot springs...

Reindeer, seals and arctic fox...  Whooper swans, pink-footed geese, ptarmigan, oyster catchers, fulmar, eider ducks, and all sorts of other upland and coastal birds...  And, of course, puffins

Suffering from a bit of "sensory underload" at the moment.  But, spring has sprung in Vermont.  So, lots of things to see and explore.