Saturday, April 14, 2018

American Sycamore

I have been walking around the woods looking for yet undiscovered vernal pools and the salamanders and frogs that inhabit them.  No such luck today...

So, I head off to see an old friend -- an American Sycamore (Platanus occidentalis).  I have visited this tree many times before.  Maybe to gaze upon its beautiful bark -- large silver-gray flakes peeling away to reveal soft-white and tan-brown underbarks.  Maybe it is to find last years hand-sized leaves, now pancake-brown, dry and crunchy.  Maybe it is to find a seed pod lying on the soft moss.  Maybe it is something else...

I have only "known" two American Sycamores in my life.  Seeing this one reminds me of the other -- a massive tree that shaded my backyard growing up.  Standing next to this one conjures up memories -- good and bad -- of my childhood.  Trees have a way of doing that...