Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Pussy Willows

It has taken a long time for me to come out of hibernation this year.

I am not sure if it is because there is still snow covering large portions of the ground.  Or because I still need my microspikes to go walking on the ice-covered trail in the backwoods.  Or because a cold wind seems always to be blowing from the north.

But much has already happened this spring.  Geese have been flying north.  Arctic Buntings have been stopping at the roadsides.  Red Wing Black Birds have been mobbing the bird feeders.  Killdeer have started showing up in the fields.  None of these seemed able to pull me out from under the comforter.

Today, however, I could see the Pussy Willows (Salix discolor) blooming at the edge of the wet area in the corner of the yard.  Spring is here!  Time to get up and at 'em...