Monday, October 3, 2016

Eastern Red Cedar

The Eastern Red Cedar (Juniperus virginiana) is not actually a cedar, but is a member of the Juniper family of trees.

It is common throughout the eastern portion of the United States where it grows as a shrub or small tree.  It is a pioneer species, meaning that is is one of the first trees to grow in disturbed soils.

Eastern Red Cedar has two types of "needles".  When younger, it has sharp needles.  As it ages, it produces scale-like needles.  Both sharp and scale-like needles can be found on older trees.

In the fall, it produces dark-blue berries that are actually modified cones.  Each berry contains one to three seeds.  Cones are produced on female trees.  Pollen is produced on male trees.

The berries are a favorite food for many birds.  Seeds that pass through a bird's gut have a higher germination rate than those that do not.