Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Northern Paper Wasp

The Northern Paper Wasp or Golden Paper Wasp (Polistes fuscatus) is one of the more widely distributed paper wasps -- found throughout Southern Canada, the United States and Central America.

There are twenty-two species of paper wasps in North America.  They are named for their paper-like nests that are made of a mixture of saliva and fibrous material from plants and wood.

The Northern Paper Wasp nests are commonly found under the eaves or decks of houses.  They are open nests, resembling upside-down umbrellas.  Yellow-jackets and Hornets are also in the paper wasp family.  Yellow-jackets prefer to build their paper nests underground.  Hornets tend to build paper nests in trees and are covered with a paper envelope.

Paper Wasps, Yellow-jackets and Hornets are all nectar eaters.  They will all sting, however, when disturbed or when their nests are threatened.