Sunday, April 26, 2020

A Minute of Nature -- Canada Geese

Click here to see A Minute of Nature - Canada Geese.

These are crazy times...  And while we have been sheltering in place and keeping social distances, we should remember the health benefits of being in nature.  And, if you can't get outside, studies have shown that even watching shorts clips of nature can improve one's well-being.

So, I decided to create a videos series - A Minute in Nature.  Once or twice a week, when not trying to capture still photos of nature, I will be creating short videos from a variety of natural spots in Grand Isle County.

I hope that you will find them relaxing, maybe a little distracting and hopefully a bit inspiring.

This first minute takes us to the Roy Marsh / Rail Trail in South Hero where a pair of Canada Geese (Branta canadensis) are bathing and preening in the shallow marsh waters in the late spring.