Thursday, July 6, 2017

Silver Spotted Skipper

I was trying to photograph wildflowers.  A Silver Spotted Skipper (Epargyreus clarus) had other ideas.

Known to be "inquisitive", these butterflies will investigate any intruder that ventures into their territory.

As I sat on the ground trying to focus on the berries of a Red Baneberry, this butterfly kept landing closer and closer to me.

If butterflies and humans could communicate, a conversation would have gone something like this...

SSS - "What are you doing?"
CLH - "Photographing wildflowers."
SSS - "Why not take a picture of me?"
CLH - "Because I am taking pictures of wildflowers.  And, as soon as I try to focus on you, you will flutter off."
SSS - "No I won't.  Look I'll get closer."
CLH - "Stop!  You're distracting me!"
SSS - "How about this?", it said moving even closer.
CLH - "Go away!"
SSS - "How about now?", moving even closer.
CLH - "Go pester someone else!"
SSS - "I'll stay perfectly still. I promise."
CLH - "Ughhh.  Ok.  Ready."  I positioned myself to get a picture.  Click. Click.

It was gone.