Sunday, May 14, 2017


Six weeks ago while winter was still upon us and the geese were traveling north in flocks, I heard the first cries of the Killdeer (Charardrius vociferus) as they too returned from their wintering grounds.  The weather was cold and raw, the ground still frozen and covered in snow in most spots.  As the days went on, the chorus of cries grew louder and louder.

The grass has turned green and the Killdeer have been busy finding mates and laying their eggs.  Interestingly, Killdeer lay their eggs and then build a nest.  They lay their eggs in a suitable shallow depression that they find in lawns, driveways, parking lots and / or closely mowed fields.  They then build a simple nest by adding bits and pebbles to the nest site.

One of the pair will tend to the nest while the other searches for food.  In 22 to 28 days, the eggs will hatch and the chicks will be off and running.