Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Champlain Islands' Nature celebrates 1 year!!!


This week marks the one year anniversary of the start of Champlain Islands' Nature!!!

Over 85 posts to date.  More on the way.

This year, I have added a few items to the blog.

First, is a tab called "Places to Go".  It is a list of places to view wildlife (or just go for a nice walk) in Grand Isle County.  I have divided the list by town.  I will be adding detailed information about each of the sites over the course of the summer.  South Hero is complete.

Second, is a tab called "Bird Checklist".  This is a list of the 200 or so most commonly seen birds in Grand Isle County.  The list is divided up by bird family -- ducks, hawks, warblers, etc.  Within each family, the birds are arranged according to their likelihood of being seen.  So, within the sparrows, you are more likely to see a Song Sparrow (common, top of the list) than a Vesper Sparrow (uncommon, bottom of the list).

Third, is a tab called "Bookshelf".  This is a list of commonly used resources and a few of my favorite reads.  I will be adding to this list as time moves on.  On the sidebar, you can see what nature related book(s) is to be found on my nightstand.

And, you can find a link to my ebook -- A Guide to the Wildflowers of Landon Community Trail.

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If you have any comments, questions or suggestions, I would love to hear them.  Please send them to

