Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Barred Owl

Winter Storm Stella is howling outside.  I can hardly see across the road.  As I get up from the table to head to the kitchen, I see something sitting on top of the snow covered grill outside the back door.  A Barred Owl (Strix varia) has stopped by to visit.

It seems completely unphased by the wind and the snow -- looking down at the ground and under the porch.  It flies back and forth between the grill and the clothesline post as if uncertain as to the best place to sit in the blizzard conditions.  Finally, it takes roost in the ash trees at the back tree line.  A little while later, I see why is has come so close to the house. 

In the area just off the porch, a chipmunk peers out from the snow cover.  It looks around as if shocked by a lack of spring.  As it scampers across the top of the snow toward the house, the owl breaks into sight and dives talons forward into the snow.

The chipmunk will be able to tell of its brush with death.  The owl returns to the branches and shakes the snow off its feathers.