Friday, September 23, 2016

Bur Marigolds

The lack of rain this summer as been hard on many plants and animals.  However, the dry conditions have also allow other plants to thrive.  In places normally filled with water, Bur Marigolds (Bidens sp.) have formed meadows of bright yellow flowers.

The Bur Marigolds are members of the tickseed family of plants.  The seeds (achenes) have short barbs (awns) that stick to clothing.  A walk through a patch of tickseed will leave pant legs covered with tickseeds.  A nuisance to remove, but a great means of seed dispersal.

Bur Marigolds provide a wonderful source of nectar and pollen for late summer and early fall insects.  The seeds are eaten by birds, providing a much needed source of food during the late fall and winter.