Monday, August 22, 2016

Hemlock Varnish Fungus

The Hemlock Varnish Fungus (Ganoderma tsugae) is a member of the polypore family of fungi -- having pores not gills on the underside of their fruiting bodies (mushrooms).  The polypores are also know as shelf fungi, bracket fungi and conks.

Ganoderma means "shiny or lustrous skin".  As the name implies, the varnish fungi look as though they have been coated in varnish.  And, the Hemlock Varnish Fungus grows on Hemlock (Tsuga), Spruce and Pine trees or wood.  (The specimen above was found on a hemlock plank).

The "shelves" of the Hemlock Varnish Fungus can grow up to a foot in width.