Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Spring Storm

The sky is quickly growing dark and a few splatters of rain begin to hit the windshield.  Soon I a driving through a wall of wind, hail and water.  Tree branches are sailing across the road.  Puddles, deep puddles, are forming almost immediately on the sides and middle of the road.  The windshield wipers are going full tilt and I have slowed to a crawl.

While I am in the relative comfort of my car and hopefully, others are in the comfort of the indoors, the animals and plants outside are taking the full force of the storm.

As I drive across the causeway, I wonder about the osprey nesting high atop the power poles and leaf-less snags.  In the relative open, they stay protecting eggs or young from those torrential rains, pea sized hail and whipping winds.

The storm passes.  The winds and rain abate.  The sun returns.  A few shakes of the feathers and all is as it was.  Or so I hope.